Arroyo Grande March 2020 News

NEWS AROUND THE CLUB:  (805) 481-2888

Got Questions? Call or Email:

Have you seen our brand-new website?  At your fingertips you can easily access Buddy Passes for Friends, follow our ‘K’ Fit-Tips Blog, get information about your membership by reading FAQs and easily manage your own account by downloading our new KCF Mobile App.  Create a shortcut on your device for easy access.  Visit the new website here.

Know what happens when you refer a friend to join?  They save $50 OFF their enrollment fee plus receive a $50 KCF Gift Card Back.  Know what else? You get a FREE MONTH for every new member you refer—no limits! Give—Receive—Give–Receive.  Click here for more information on referring.

Reminders for New Members:

  • Download the KCF Mobile App to schedule classes, reservations, pay your account balances, change banking and more right here.
  • Schedule your complimentary training sessions with one of our certified personal trainers.  Already a member?  You may still benefit from an evaluation session and receive training tips to enhance your routine. Contact the Front Desk or schedule on your KCF Mobile App.
  • Never been ‘scanned’?  Schedule a complimentary InBody Scan.  Find out what you’re made of:  where you are strong, where you compensate, potential injury areas, body fat (if you want to know itJ) and more.
  • Are your workouts working? Do you need accountability to succeed?  Add a MyZone Fitness Tracker as your ‘go to’ fitness tool. Click here to find out how MyZone can change your life. MyZone (normally $149) is now $99 for KCF members —a $50 savings.
  • When you need water, a sport drink, smoothie or other item from the Kafe or Pro Shop—just ‘charge it’.  Set up a KCF House Account with the Front Desk today.
  • Stay connected with the latest by following us on your favorite social media site.  Click on icon on the bottom of any of our website pages.

Have you tried your complimentary K-Zone sessions? Body ‘recovery’ is an essential ingredient to the most effective fitness program.  That’s why we’ve invested in the ‘K’-Zone Body Recovery/Relaxation Centers.  Add unlimited access to K-Zone in all Clubs for only $19/month.  

Read more about what each station offers here.


Help keep KCF a healthy place to be by staying home when you feel the onset of the cold or flu, and staying home until all symptoms have passed. Sweating it out’ is a myth and will spread contagions to others.  When you are feeling better, start off slowly, with a walk outside in the fresh air.  Remember to hydrate and wash your hands often.

Businesses large and small can qualify for a discounted Corporate Membership Plan.  Interested to find out more? Email Debbie at today.

Exclusive to KCF-Arroyo Grande–The K-Force Functional Training Studio.  Kettlebells, battle ropes, core bags and more are available for you to get the best ‘functional’ workout in the 5 Cities area.  Best part? No cost to use—it’s all included in your membership.

Fill ‘er UP: Stealth Detox Performance Water is here at KCF-Arroyo Grande.  What is it? Water is the most powerful antioxidant in the world, but it must be free of mircoplastics, chemicals, toxins and more to act as a perfect detoxification and source of complete hydration for our bodies. Stealth Detox Performance Water is all that and more, delivering 8 times more oxygen to the cells in your body, providing you with constant energy all day at the cellular level.  Commit to hydrating and cleansing your body with this purified performance water for a week and experience the benefits.  Ask the Front Desk for details.

Forgot your wallet at home? No worries—just ‘charge it’. Open up a KCF House Account with the Front Desk today.


GROUP EXERCISE FUN:  Lori, Group Exercise Coordinator (805) 481-2888 or email

Did you know that KCF-AG offers over 70 classes each week included in your membership? There’s sure to be a class format perfect for you.  See the latest Group Exercise Class Schedule here.  Scroll down and select Group Exercise.  

Pro Tip:  If you’re new to class, arrive 5-10 minutes early, introduce yourself to the instructor and let them know if you have any limitations or concerns.  Most classes can be modified to fit your specific needs, especially those with the Smart Start symbol on the schedule.  Got Questions? Call or email Lori at her contact info above.  She’s excited to help you have a stellar experience.

We have a new stream-lined look for our Group Exercise Schedules.  See online or pick up a copy when you’re in the Club.

HIGH FITNESS has been a hit on Mondays at 6a so we are now offering another class on Sundays at 9:15a.  Come join Sarema in this 60-min addictive fitness experience.  HIGH FITNESS combines simple, modern fitness techniques (HIIT, Plyometrics) with music you know and love. This results in a high energy, intense, and crazy fun workout that leaves you feeling HIGH and wanting more.

We aim to keep you engaged and motivated with Pop-Up Classes.  Check them out below:

VIBE CYCLE on Friday, March 13th at 8:10a with Katie.  This 45-min pulse-pounding’ party on a bike’ have you experience calorie-burning cardio set to the hottest music out there.    Ride to the rhythm and feel the beat in this sweaty celebration.

St. Patty’s Day YOGA, Tuesday, March 17th at 9:30a. Sigrid will move you through a variety of St Patrick’s Day-themed poses to increase your strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina while improving posture and coordination.  All this will bring you good luck, good health and good fun. Prizes given to those who wear green.        

Help keep KCF a healthy place to be by staying home when you feel the onset of the cold or flu, and staying home until all symptoms have passed. Sweating it out’ is a myth and will spread contagions to others.  When you are feeling better, start off slowly, with a walk outside in the fresh air.  Remember to hydrate and wash your hands often.

Schedule your favorite group exercise classes, courts, K-Zone reservations and more on the KCF Mobile App. Get instructions here.

Aqua Classes are still one of the best low-impact workouts you can do year-round.   You can aqua jog, walk, kick swim or take an aqua class.  Every muscle in your body gets to working without the stress and strain on your joints.  Meeting new friends is a side benefit. Select class times here by selecting Group Exercise.

Notice the big screens in the Group Exercise Studios and throughout the Club? Those show the progress of members wearing their MyZone Fitness Tracker beltsMembers love MyZone because they are able to see their progress real-time and enjoy the accountability of those MyZone ‘friends’ in their virtual community. Because we want everyone to get the most out of their workouts, you can purchase for $50 OFF the regular $149 price.  Learn more about MyZone here.


Body ‘recovery’ is an essential ingredient to the most effective fitness program.  That’s why we’ve invested in the ‘K’-Zone Body Recovery/Relaxation Centers. If you haven’t tried one or more K-Zone stations, ask the front desk for a free trial session.  Then add unlimited access to K-Zone in all Clubs for only $19/month.   Questions?  Read more about ‘K’ Zone here.


KIDZ CLUB:  Barb LeMoine, Kidz Club Director (805) 481-2888 or email

New to Kidz Club?  To ensure you and your child has a great Kidz Club experience, check out our guidelines by clicking here and scrolling down to Kidz Club. If you have questions or suggestions, contact Barb, Kidz Club Director at her contact info above.

Kidz Club has some seasonal hour changes.  Please note them below:

Monday – Wednesday:  7:45a – 8p; Thursday: 7:45a-7p; Friday:  7:45a – 6:30p; Saturday: 7:45a – 1p; Sunday:  8a – 11:35a.  Note we are closed for lunch Tuesday and Thursdays from 1:50p-3:30p.  As always, call ahead for Holiday Hours.

ATTENTION PARENTS: Please bring a photo ID when dropping off your child and picking up. Our number one priority is your child’s safety.  Also, double check your MINOR WAIVER, RELEASE & INDEMNITY AGREEMENT’ to make sure it is up to date. If you have questions, please contact Barb by calling or emailing her above.

Our Kidz Club is now a monthly rate.  Kidz Club-AG is only $29.99/month for multiple children, up to two hours a day, seven days a week.  This is less than $1 a day for one child.  What does this mean for you? Happy parents are parents who get their workouts in while they kids have a blast in Kidz Club.  Contact Kidz Club or Barb for all the details.

Please be reminded if your child is too sick for school, they are too sick for Kidz Club.  If your child has recently been sick, please make sure they are completely well before coming to Kidz Club. If they should fall sick after coming to Kidz Club and were contagious while they were with us, please let us know.  We will perform an extraordinary disinfecting effort immediately so remove all contagions.  We work hard to keep Kidz Club healthy and germ-free.

Kids get hungry as they play, even if they have recently eaten. Please bring a healthy and non-sugary snack for your child. We do provide filtered water when the kiddos are thirsty but we do not offer snacks because of varying allergies or dietary restrictions. We are also a ‘peanut free zone’. When checking in your child, let us know of any special requirements or allergies. Please label all of their belongings and snacks so nothing gets misplaced during their visit.

Parents, please remember to bring diapers, wipes, snacks, change of clothes or anything you think your child may need while visiting Kidz Club. We appreciate you and enjoy caring for your children and encourage your input.


FITNESS DEPARTMENT NEWS:  Mark, General Manager and Fitness Director (805) 481-2888 or email

New to the Club?  We are ready and waiting to assist you with your fitness goals.  Schedule your complimentary fitness training session and InBody Scan at the Front Desk. What’s InBody? This remarkable ‘scan’ will tell you your strengths, areas to improve and a health assessment.  Schedule yours today.

Exclusive to KCF-Arroyo Grande–The K-Force Functional Training Studio.  Check out the new kettlebells, battle ropes, core bags and more to get the best ‘functional’ workout in the 5 Cities area.  Best part? No cost to use—it’s all included in your membership.

FREE TRX Classes are back.  Six week training courses have started.  Find out how your body weight can increase your strength, balance, endurance and more.  Click here, scroll down to Personal Training to find out more.

FREE Functional Training BootCamp every Thursday at 3:30p.  This inspiring 30-min BootCamp will soon become an important part of your workout.  Try one, and you’ll be hooked.

Looking to push yourself, be accountable, make positive lifestyle and health changes?  We’ve got a ‘small group for that’.   

  • Amy’s Early Morning Circuit with Personal Trainer, Amy Harper.   Heart-pumping circuit intervals designed to lean you down, increase strength.
  • Perseverance by Pitts with Personal Trainer, David Pitts:  Real people achieving real results.  Change the way you think, eat, move and feel.
  • Coalition with Personal Trainer, David Pitts:  6-week program designed to combine both worlds: Look and BE Strong.

To read more about these programs, click here, scroll down to Personal Training.  

Help keep KCF a healthy place to be by staying home when you feel the onset of the cold or flu, and staying home until all symptoms have passed. Sweating it out’ is a myth and will spread contagions to others.  When you are feeling better, start off slowly, with a walk outside in the fresh air.  Remember to hydrate and wash your hands often.

Are your workouts working? Do you need accountability to succeed?  Add a MyZone Fitness Tracker as your ‘go to’ fitness tool. Click here to find out how MyZone can change your life.  MyZone (normally $149) is now $99 for KCF members —a $50 savings. 

Body ‘recovery’ is an essential ingredient to the most effective fitness program.  That’s why we’ve invested in the ‘K’-Zone Body Recovery/Relaxation Centers. If you haven’t tried one or more K-Zone stations, ask the front desk for a free trial session.  Then add unlimited access to K-Zone in all Clubs for only $19/month.   Questions?  Read more about ‘K’ Zone here.

Looking for motivation, inspiration and some education, too? Follow our ‘K’ Fit-Tips Blog, read the latest here.

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